Online Marketing Types

Digital marketing is the most convenient marketing method for businesses when compared to offline marketing. Digital marketing includes using internet options to market a product or service.

This article aims to highlight and explain the different types of online marketing. Read on.

What are the Types of Digital Marketing?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The purpose of creating content is for people to see it. SEO works to make your content and business visible for search engine results.

Search engines such as Google and Bing use the algorithm to determine whether or not your page is worth showing for the keyword a user is searching for. However, while what determines the worth of your web page (Algorithm) changes frequently, you have to update your SEO strategies to be effective.

The good thing here is that SEO is free. Also, having your business page appear on top organic search results makes you look credible and trustworthy before your customers.

Pay Per Click Advertising

PPC or Pay Per Click is paid search advertising and promoted search engine results. Similar to organic search, but this time, you are paying to increase search traffic to your business online. The cost depends on the number of clicks the link receives hence the name, pay-per-click.

PPC can be a very effective online marketing strategy as it helps attain a top rank quickly.

Social Media Marketing

Social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. help in promoting products and services. When you launch a marketing campaign on various social media channels, it can boost your website traffic, drive leads and increase brand awareness online.

However, social media marketing is far from managing Facebook or Instagram accounts. It is better to choose social media channels relevant to your target audience. If you are a B2B brand, consider focusing on LinkedIn. To reap effectively, social media marketers should be watchful of the analytics. That is, data on post performances. Therefore, they can create effective strategies based on data to achieve better results.

Email Marketing

As the name implies, it involves marketing through emails. Chances are you just heard that “Email marketing is dead”. Well, only with a poor strategy. Else, email marketing remains the most effective online marketing technique.

Email marketing involves promoting your business by sending emails to your subscribers. This could be through newsletters. Oftentimes, it involves stages of nurturing and education before presenting the offer. But staying in regular contact with your subscribers will strengthen your bond with them and better prepare them for the coming offers.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves using people of authority with an existing audience to market your product or service. These people of authority could be celebrities or industry experts with a large social following. They only endorse and recommend your products to their audience and ask them to buy or test them out.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is one Online marketing technique that businesses leverage to position themselves as an industry authority.

In other words, we publish information that answers a question or can solve a problem. Content can be blogs, videos, podcasts, ebooks, infographics, etc.

Content marketing ideally should be intentional – beneficial to your audience. Creating quality content builds brand reputation, and trust and also boosts sales.

Mobile Marketing

With the prominence of smartphones, mobile marketing focuses on reaching customers on their smartphones – more like in-app advertising. Mobile applications, social media, text messages, and email are all possible ways to reach out to people.

This marketing method is preferable when targeting a younger audience who spend the most time on their phones.


Oku Cobham

Hi, I'm Oku, an SEO Content Writer. I create content that helps businesses gain visibility online, nurture their audiences, convert prospects, and drive sales online.

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