Business Marketing SMBs

The Top 5 Digital Marketing Mistakes That Business Owners Make


The internet is a great opportunity for businesses to grow their reach and make sales, but some companies are underutilizing it. You see, there may be other things, but if you are making these 5 mistakes then you should start making a shift.

Top 5 Digital Marketing Mistakes

Not defining Your Audience

The first mistake. Some business owners when asked who their target audience is, they comfortably say “everyone.” Except you are google, ‘everyone’ is just too broad for you to target. Casting your net wide to reach more customers is not an efficient strategy. You may end up spending a chunk of your marketing budget reaching the wrong groups of people.

Carry out deep research to identify and understand your niche, then point out 2 to 3 types of customers who would need your product or service and create buyer personas for them. You can start by considering these three elements; geographical location, demographics, and psychographics. 

Defining your ideal customer is not as easy as it seems. Consider consulting with the help of experts.

Forgetting Mobile Users

Another digital marketing pitfall some businesses are yet to know. The number of smartphone users has heightened lately and has affected how people access the internet.

Thus, your website should be responsive and optimized for mobile users. This includes improving the website’s load speed and adjusting the design layout for a satisfying mobile view.

A recent study from Statista shows half of the global web traffic is from mobile devices. So, when your website is not optimized for mobile devices, you can sense the tons of traffic that are passing you.

Not Tracking Results

Tracking is vital for digital marketing campaigns. It is the only way to know the effectiveness of your campaigns. That is, to see which campaign performed better and which one needs a little tweaking.

Not monitoring your marketing campaign is one of the top brand marketing mistakes in 2022. If you are a business in 2022 that is not measuring your efforts –  know you are not marketing.

Not Prioritizing SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is focused on enhancing a brand’s visibility in search results. As important as it is, some small businesses still pay less attention to this.

Primarily, SEO increases your business’s rank in search result pages (SERP) and boosts your visibility. The traffic your website receives determines your position in SERP. And your website traffic depends on how optimized your website is, to appear in search results online.

To get the most from SEO, consider prioritizing your SEO strategy. For instance, using the right keywords, quality backlinks, and making your website mobile-friendly and crawlable by search engines.

Having Poor Website Designs

Websites are designed with the customer at heart. Clear layouts, consistent fonts, responsiveness, quality images, and other factors make a good website. Typically, a good web design is user-friendly.

A good website provides a better first impression and can convert visitors to leads. Even more, if your visitors are satisfied with your website, they’re likely to return or recommend you to people in need of your product or service.

Digital marketing is the gateway to boundless opportunities to grow your business. And you can only miss out on the benefits when you fail to use effective strategies and tools available to boost your business online.

However, if you help with improving your digital marketing strategy, feel free to contact us online.


Oku Cobham

Hi, I'm Oku, an SEO Content Writer. I create content that helps businesses gain visibility online, nurture their audiences, convert prospects, and drive sales online.

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