Business Small Businesses

Is A Website Worth It For Small Businesses? 3 Reasons

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Does a small business need a website? Before now, it seemed impossible to sell a product online. But the outbreak of the 2020 pandemic altered how consumers accessed and shopped for what they needed. But, where small business owners fail is limiting their online presence to Social media platforms alone. 

As helpful as these apps can be, there are many cons to using only social media for marketing purposes. For instance, the recent downtime experienced by Facebook users proves social media pages can fail you anytime. As unpredictable as these platforms can be, it is uncertain if newer policies will favor businesses.

But with your website, you are in total control. The designs, the features, the fonts, and integrations… you are limitless. Plus, you can command more authority and instill trust in the minds of your prospects. Besides that, 81% of consumers say they research a product, service, or organization before deciding to do business. You can assume what your business is missing out on if you don’t have a web presence.

However, let’s answer if a website is worth having for small businesses.

Benefits Of Website To Small Businesses

Business website
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Build Credibility

84% of consumers say a business with a website is more credible than one with just a social media page. So you see, having a website makes the difference. Because your prospects can discover your business by doing a google search adds a new level of trust that your business is legit. However, consider that the reverse is the case if you’re not seen online.

Sometimes even worse, your prospects discover another business that offers your type of service or product and not you – you lose them to your competition.

An Opportunity To Display Your Products Or Services

This is another benefit of a website for small businesses. Unlike social media pages, a website allows you to show your customers what your business offers. Most importantly, in a tailored manner.

You can display high-quality photographs, publish important articles, testimonials Videos, and so on about your products and services. Apart from this boosting credibility, it makes sure you attract the right customers to your business.

Expand Your Business

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The World Wide Web offers you an edge to expand your business reach beyond your region to international market space. Leveraging SEO, customers can easily discover your business when they search for a keyword related to your business.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. It enhances your visibility online, thus putting your business on the first page of people in need of the solution your business offers. If you’re not skilled at this, it is okay to hire experts to help you improve your web visibility.

Does A Small Business Need A Website?

After learning about the benefits of a website to small businesses, are you convinced that a small business needs a website to build a brand presence online?

Well, from the stats, businesses without a website only have access to 20% of their audience. And except you are okay with your level of growth, it is fine. But if your case is otherwise, and you need to expand and grow your business beyond the present state, then owning a website is necessary. 

ViralSoft Technologies To Build Your Website

We are a web consultancy firm in Nigeria on a mission to help small businesses in Africa and beyond build a brand presence online by leveraging the web. There are tons of reasons to own a website, and we understand certain factors impede this.

So we embarked on a campaign to build standard and free websites for small businesses to help them kickstart their journey to building a web presence.

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram or send us an email to see how you can be a beneficiary.


Oku Cobham

Hi, I'm Oku, an SEO Content Writer. I create content that helps businesses gain visibility online, nurture their audiences, convert prospects, and drive sales online.

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  1. 3 Reasons Why A Website Is Important For Small Business – ViralSoft Technologies
    May 20, 2022 Reply

    […] a website, you should have a social media presence. So often, many small business owners tend to question the importance of having a website when you have a social media page for your […]

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